Date & Time
Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM
C34 — Savvy Socials: The Why and How-To for Ethical Counselor Social Media
Jared Rose - Bowling Green State University
Claudia Corso - Bowling Green State University
Abigail Sherwood - Bowling Green State Univ.
Claudia Corso - Bowling Green State University
Abigail Sherwood - Bowling Green State Univ.
This active and engaging presentation is a guide for identifying and implementing ethical social media practices as professional counselors. Attendees will understand the ethical standards and expectations associated with maintaining their personal and professional lives within the ever-changing landscape of social media. This will include deeper understanding of enhancing and protecting not just clients, but also themselves. Further, they will be given tangible, ready to implement directions for operating their social media accounts in accordance with such ethical mandates.
Session Type
Session — CE Hour 1 (Ethics)
Location Name
Union A