Date & Time
Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
S19 — Tapping: An Easy-to-Learn and Simple-to-Use Somatic Tool for Self-Regulation and Intervention
Learn a somatic self-management skill - Functional Tapping, an abbreviated version of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Tapping for immediate stress relief and grounding application. Evidence-based Tapping has been shown to calm the brain and body and re-engage rational thinking and processing. It can be used for self-regulation or as a therapeutic intervention. In the school setting, it integrates and aligns with many SEL/PBIS initiatives. Grounded in neuroscience, Tapping aids with anxiety reduction, making way for effective therapies with less time and more success.
Session Type
Session — CE Hour 1