Date & Time
Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
S17 — Moving from Trauma-Informed to Responsiveness by Implementing Trauma-Informed Action Plans in K-12
Dakota King-White, Ph.D. - Cleveland State University
LaShonda Abdussatar - Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District
LaShonda Abdussatar - Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District
In a school setting, recognizing and responding to trauma is crucial for fostering a safe environment for students, staff, and families to thrive. This presentation proposes a systematic approach to implementing trauma-informed care (TIC) in schools. By understanding the principles of TIC and integrating them into everyday practices, schools can create a safe and supportive culture. This session will provide guidance on developing a trauma-informed action plan to implement TIC practices and build collaborative partnerships to support the well-being of the entire school community.
Session Type
Session — CE Hour 1
Location Name
Union DE