S55 — JCAP & SCAP (College & Career Application Process)
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 19, 2022, 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM
Liz Collette - Bishop Hartley High School
Doug Franz - Bishop Harley High School
Lauren Gruenwald - Bishop Harley High School
Doug Franz - Bishop Harley High School
Lauren Gruenwald - Bishop Harley High School
Through a 6-part junior series and 10 part senior series, our school counseling team works closely with students to help ease their transition into senior year and post-secondary endeavors with extensive classroom development curriculum, professional speakers and a component for parents. Come to learn more about how our school helps upperclassmen students work through the college application process and all it entails. We will share the tools we use such as Naviance and Google docs, our senior interview process, organizational charts, letter of recommendations forms for Teachers and School Counselors, and more.
Session Type
Location Name
Franklin B