C51 — Rainbow Families: Supporting the Caregivers of LGBTGEQIAP+ Youth in Counseling
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 19, 2022, 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM
Caregiver rejection is associated with health risk behaviors and poor mental/physical health outcomes among LGBTGEQIAP+ youth. Thus, acceptance is crucial to the development of a healthy sense of self. Using the Family Support Model (Cohen & Ryan, 2021), participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of caregiver behaviors that are used to express rejection or acceptance of LGBTGEQIAP+ youth, as well as how each contributes to health risks or increased well-being. Psychoeducational tools, counseling resources, and best practices to promote caregiver acceptance will also be provided.
Session Type
CE Hours 1
Location Name
Union C