S22 — Reboot Your Brain: Destructing Bias
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 18, 2022, 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM

If you have a brain then you have a bias. Can you imagine a situation when someone’s bias, conscious or unconscious, influenced an interaction with a student? Perhaps the student’s appearance, manner of speaking, response (or lack or response) led someone to jump to a conclusion or interact with the student in a way that did not achieve the best outcome. Brain science can help us understand why we have biases. We can have better interactions with students and coworkers when we increase our awareness of our biases and manage our responses. During this session, attendees will develop a deeper understanding of implicit and unconscious bias, recognize how biases may impact students’ experiences, learn techniques to manage bias in day-to-day work environments and consider how to modify systemic processes, communications and interactions to minimize effect of bias,

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