P4 — Strategies for Enhanced Engagement: Voices from the Profession About Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Date & Time
Monday, October 17, 2022, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

This uniquely formatted workshop will consist of both a presentation and panel discussion. The overall goal is to enhance the learning of the attendees while engaging in a thought-provoking discussion about diversity, equity, and inclusion issues. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are buzz words within organizations and groups that attempt to remain culturally relevant. From a societal level, this is a worthy goal to focus on. However, on an individual level, some admit to feeling challenged in working with others from a multicultural perspective. Often, the perception of multiculturalism is mainly one-dimensional in which race and ethnicity are the foci. However, to increase our multicultural awareness, learning about other dimensions (e.g., gender, religious/spirituality, sexual identity, SES, lifespan development) of individuals’ lives will increase understanding and enhance cross-cultural communication. The presentation will challenge attendees to expand their cultural lens to think about diversity, equity, and inclusion issues in a greater way that promotes effective cross-cultural engagement. Additionally, attendees will be provided with some tools and strategies to begin or continue the journey of multicultural awareness in counseling. During the session, attendees will: receive a brief overview of the Multicultural Competencies that address awareness, knowledge, and skills; learn about the intersectionality of cultural dimensions and mental health; receive resources to help support various cultural groups; learn strategies to address diversity, equity, and inclusion issues on micro (the individual level), mezzo (the group level), and macro (the community/governmental level); learn effective strategies to enhance cross-cultural communication; and learn from people in the counseling profession from areas that include schools, colleges/universities, and agency/private practice.

Session Type
CE Hours 3
Location Name