Staff from the Ohio School Safety Center will share resources and information regarding comprehensive school safety. School counselors and other mental health support staff are integral to implementation of a program that focuses on both physical and emotional safety. Members of OSSC staff will provide an overview of our resources and services. Topics covered on this session will include: 1) an overview of the services, structure and training opportunities of the OSSC, 2) a review of HB 123 requirements and implementation, 3) tip line implementation, promotion, follow up and reporting, 4) overview of CIRT training created for schools through an all-hazards approach, 5) the purpose of the Incident Command System and the roles and responsibilities of the Incident commander and command staff, 6) the basics on school emergency management including emergency management plans and tests, 7) best practices in physical security basics & situational awareness and 8) learning about comprehensive school safety team elements which include a focus on students feeling welcome and emotionally safe in their buildings.